if only i had known about this exhibit earlier.... can only enjoy it through pictures now :( この展示会もうやってないらしい…ショック。写真だけで満足しなければ 三田真一with TENKI 「連続の断片」@GALLERY SPEAK FOR (代官山) "タイトル/テーマは「連続の断片」です。一本一本の木によって構成される森は、時にそれ自体が巨大な一本の樹木のように見えることがあります。また個々 の樹木を構成する枝葉も樹木のような形をしています。一般にフラクタル現象と呼ばれる、こうしたミクロとマクロの共通する連続性に着目し、その真理を私た ちの生活環境の中へと通じさせながら、断片的に表現しようとするのが本展の目論見です。" (via gallery speak for website) roughly translated... title: "Fragment Repetition". With the various repetitions and redundancies that can be viewed through nature and our world today, we are able to see the connectivity between the macro and the micro, explained through the "fractal phenomenon". Simply put, Shinichi Mita has portrayed this repetition through a modern example, using the infamous NIKE DUNKS. While these shoes exude a distinct symbolization, they can also portray a certain lifestyle and personality in its repetitive entirety. (images via trendland)
OMG. I. AM. OBSESSED. if only i had $450 at my disposal. i need a new wallet anyways!! must save up for a cute one....any brands you can recommend? that won't burn a hole in my bank account?
i am thoroughly intrigued by her performance. and her outfit&accessories. doesn't matter if you don't understand korean (i don't, and i still love k-pop!) this is still worth watching.
my style is pretty boring, actually. pretty simple. need to replace my wardrobe! still love some of the pieces i have though. like a)black zara heels in first picture, b)pink blazer and c)black bag with metal details in sixth picture.
the first thing i would do to start replacing my wardrobe would be to knock on this person's door and steal all her shoes.